Psyche Suite™ Power Pack [Flagship Edition][OnDemand Course]
Note: The Psyche Suite Power Pack is only accessible for those who have purchased the Psyche Suite Power Pack.
If you have purchased individual OnDemand courses, please go to the individual OnDemand course or OnDemand courses you have purchased [Psyche Jujutsu, Psyche Anti-Virus, Psyche Firewall, Psyche Forensics, Psyche Combat].
If you have purchased The Psyche Suite Power Pack please access your OnDemand courses below.
If you have purchased individual OnDemand courses, please go to the individual OnDemand course or OnDemand courses you have purchased [Psyche Jujutsu, Psyche Anti-Virus, Psyche Firewall, Psyche Forensics, Psyche Combat].
If you have purchased The Psyche Suite Power Pack please access your OnDemand courses below.
The Psyche Suite is Microsoft Office for your Mind.
The Psyche Suite Power Package puts the entire Psyche Suite at your command.
The Psyche Suite Power Pack includes all 5 Psyche Suite Core courses
1. Psyche Jujutsu [PJ]
2. Psyche Anti-Virus & Anti-Malware [PAVM]
3. Psyche Firewall & Deep Packet Inspection [PF/DPI] included with the PAVM course
4. Psyche Forensics [PF]
5. Psyche Combat [PC]