The FemaleOS / FemOS: Hijacking Hypergamy [Live Group Course]
Put hypergamy to work for you by hacking into her FemOS
This is the only actionable system that attacks and addresses Hypergamy, Weaponized Entropy and with your spouse's, lover's, mistress' or ex-spouse' knowledge, consent or participation.
All for the cost of 2 hours of Couples Therapy (where only you are given the assignment to self-improve) or for
the cost of just 1 hour of His & Her Divorce Attorneys (as you are paying for both sides of the lawyers).
All for the cost of 2 hours of Couples Therapy (where only you are given the assignment to self-improve) or for
the cost of just 1 hour of His & Her Divorce Attorneys (as you are paying for both sides of the lawyers).
No man gets married so he can get divorced. No man gets married to fight with his wife or create a drama filled and toxic household poisoning his children .
As a rule, men get married to nest, and then build their legacy. And nearly every man wants love. Most want children, a loving wife, and wife to love back and care for, and a house with a white picket fence. But in today's misandrist world, replete with a brutal gynocentric judicial system, the court of public opinion (gossiping, shaming), and "D Ondemand" Apps like Tinder and Instagram, this is fast becoming a massive risk for men, like putting all your chips on black and spinning the roulette wheel or the kill shot from a solar flare. No man gets married so he can get divorced. No man gets married to fight with his wife or create a drama filled and toxic household poisoning his children . One wrong move and you go from bliss to banishment, major depression, and having the State in your paycheck, assets, and controlling your life.
Our When Lovers Clash course takes you through all of this with exactly what to say, do, and when and why, to expertly handle and repair any domestic disaster. You will be able to assess, nudge, deflect, program and control without any participation from your spouse or significant other. It doesn't take two to tango with this system. Only the programmer to program. We don't offer a specific "Agency building" course because all of our courses are designed to automatically build maximum agency, and most importantly, automatically build maximum self-efficacy. Agency and Self-efficacy are outcomes, states, and abilities. |
Your defense against Weaponized Entropy
Nothing will put you in the ground faster than a nagging, toxic environment with a divorce rate over 50 percent Do you race home from work, happy to see your wife? Happy to step over the threshold to a loving, nurturing life or do you dread coming home to a terrible toxic home life, listless love life, dead bed room, wondering what's next?
Want to take control of your marriage or recover from a bitter divorce, inoculate or reclaim your kids from parental alienation, and build your legacy while enjoying your life? As a rule, men get married to nest, and then build their legacy. Nearly every man wants to love and be loved. Most want children, a loving wife to love back and care for, and a cozy, love-filled house with a white picket fence to nest in. |
*NOTE: This course was designed and tested for men in heterosexual relationships. We do not discriminate and are happy if same sex individuals or couples take this course BUT we cannot guarantee the same results. We have been testing this for several years now but have not completed the test for same sex couples. That said, most of these principals are universal for both romantic and platonic relationships, only the incentives from social and legal constructs as well as narrative programming will change.
Happy Wife, Happy Life!
Delivered as a Live Group Course
Status: New class forming - Starts January 18, 2024 (if you want to start now, take the 1:1 OnDemand Course) Thursday 01/18: 8:30 PM EST / 5:30 PM PST Friday 01/19: 10:30 AM Tokyo / 12:30 PM Sydney Sessions: 8 (one per week except during national holidays but 8 total will be delivered). Length: 90 minutes per class. Delivery: Zoom (or equivalent). Materials: Workbook, Laminated wallet cards. Language: English. Class Replay: Replay Class Video if you missed it/want to review it. Prework: Short prework videos brings everyone up speed. Office Hours: These are integrated into the Course, ask questions at any time, in class or before/after by email, PM or DM - Final Session is a Capstone (Zoom or equivalent to answer questions, discuss, etc.) Course Prerequisites: None [open to all]. Introductory Price: $1,500 USD Refresher for Lovers Clash Course Alumni $75 USD For less than the price of one couple's therapy sessions that simply load you up with the action items, and the bills that never end. Doesn't require participation or consent of your spouse. Solve your problems. This course is perfect for happily married men, unhappily married men, men facing or contemplating divorce, divorced men and men thinking or even considering marriage.